Condensed from a report by volunteer sidewalk counselor Anna H.
I arrived at my late-morning shift at Whole Woman’s (WW) in Bloomington on Wednesday, May 8. Other volunteer sidewalk counselors, Delsie B. and Michelle B., soon arrived. I was at the driveway and Delsie and Michelle were on the sidewalk near the door. We called out to the women as they went in. There were a couple of women that appeared open, but proceeded into WW anyway.
When our shift was over, Delsie and I talked for a while behind the building where our cars were parked. We still had the Abortion Pill Reversal signs visible. A young Hispanic woman (we’ll call her “Maria”) stopped and appeared to look at the sign. She was noticeably upset and crying, and said, “I couldn’t do it.” We told her that she did the right thing. God loved her and we would help her with the things she needed to get through the pregnancy. We asked her if she’d like to go out for coffee and she agreed.
“Maria” told us her story of why she had been planning to take the abortion pill. She wanted a child, but because of various things happening in her life, believed the timing wasn’t right. She is about 10 weeks pregnant and considered high-risk.
She also relayed her experience in WW. She thought it would be an easy procedure, but was alarmed when she read in the papers given her that the pill could cause death and permanent infertility. She put the papers down and told the staff person that she had changed her mind.
“Then I left and went to tell you girls,” she said. “But I couldn’t find you.” However, as she was driving away, she saw us behind the building.
We asked “Maria” a few questions. Had she seen us when she came in? She said she had. Had she heard us calling out to her? Yes, she remembered hearing something like, “God loves you. Your baby doesn’t need to die today. We can help you.” She also said that she had asked for a sign from God the night before. “I am so glad you girls were there,” she said.
I felt so grateful that the message touched her heart. We told her about the pregnancy help centers, exchanged contact information and said we would stay in touch. May God bless “Maria” and her child.