By Debra Braun, Education Director
On Saturday, April 15, volunteer sidewalk counselor Jessica B. was able to divert a young couple from driving into the St. Paul Planned Parenthood (PP). They parked nearby so Jessica could talk with them.
They were having some financial difficulties and were planning to abort. However, when Jessica told the young woman about the help available at Abria, the nearby pregnancy center, the woman looked up Abria’s website on her phone. She also showed Jessica a photo of her other child.
After their hopeful conversation and receiving our literature, the young couple drove away, and neither Jessica nor the following sidewalk counselors saw them return to PP. Please pray that they would remain firm in their choice for life!
Then, on April 20, volunteer sidewalk counselor Angie M. was able to reach out with signs to two women sitting in their car in the parking lot of Whole Woman’s abortion center in Bloomington. They never talked to Angie, but they never got out of their car and after about 45 minutes they drove away (unfortunately, without stopping to talk or take literature).
And on April 5, volunteer Marjorie C. reported that a young couple sat in the parking lot of the Robbinsdale abortion center for about 15 minutes while the pro-lifers “stormed heaven with prayer.” The young couple left with big smiles, said they were going to keep their baby, and took the pro-life literature.
Although we don’t have enough information in either situation to document these as babies saved because of our presence on the sidewalk, we are encouraged! Please pray for these women and their babies too!