“A great Christmas blessing and gift” — Baby Saved!

By Debra Braun, Education Director

December 21 — Volunteer sidewalk counselor Kay K. gave literature to a middle-aged woman as she was driving into the Whole Woman’s abortion mill in Bloomington. Kay asked her to give it to the young woman huddled up in the passenger seat. They may have seen the pro-life sign Kay had placed along the street as they approached Whole Woman’s.

The driver (maybe the young woman’s mother?) said she was happy Kay was there and that she was doing a good thing. This left Kay confused as to what was going on, although it appeared they were there for an abortion. Because the roof of the building that houses Whole Woman’s was being replaced, the area of the parking lot closest to the door was filled with construction materials and construction workers’ vehicles. This construction meant abortion clients had to park further away from the door which gave me more time to call out to them as they walked across the parking lot.

I told them we had free help for pregnant women and encouraged them to look at the ultrasound and listen to the baby’s heartbeat. I might also have told them that every Christmas they will think about this missing child (as I often call out at this time of year).

About an hour later, they came out and stopped to talk to Kay as they left.

Now the young woman was sitting straight up and smiling. Kay asked if they had been there for an abortion and the driver said, “Yes, but she canceled the appointment!” She again said she was happy Kay was there.

Kay gave them a handmade baby sweater and cap. She confirmed that they still had the literature. She finally encouraged them to call one of the pregnancy resource centers listed if they needed any help. Soon after they drove away, the second shift of sidewalk counselors arrived. they were very encouraged by the story.

“It was a great Christmas blessing and gift to all of us!” said Kay.

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